Three Veen Attorneys Present at 2017 CAOC Hawaii Travel Seminar

The Veen Firm Attorneys William VeenDavid L. Winnett and will present at the Consumer Attorneys of California’s (CAOC) 2017 Hawaii Travel Seminar, held on November 25 – December 2 in Maui, Hawaii.

Veen will present on the November 27 session “Thematically Trying Voir Dire, Opening Statement and Closing Argument.” Winnett will serve as moderator for the sessions on November 30. Wong, who serves as the Chair Elect and Political Chair of the organization’s Diversity Committee, will speak on “Avoiding the Exclusivity of the Exclusive Remedy Rule” on November 29.

CAOC is a professional organization which includes more than 3,000 plaintiff attorneys who go above and beyond to obtain justice for their clients. CAOC advocates on behalf of consumers to ensure the court system is accessible to all.

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